Talk of the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social life and the experience of Broadway should readily come to mind. This is considering how the once lively and economically progressing entertainment houses in the country and global stage have been dealing with hard times. In a recent interview with some key players, they expressed their stance on the closure of the entertainment center and other issues around it.
Broadway Is Hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic
On the 11th of March 2021, the President of the United States inferred that it was only a matter of time before life would completely return to normalcy. The plan is that a small gathering of individuals will not be a topic for debate by the beginning of July.
With this plan in mind and medicals and other actions set in motion to achieve this, one question in the heart of many entertainment lovers is the fate of Broadway. The once lively and financially buoyant entertainment houses have been closed for operation since March last year.
This has seen a lot of people that depend on the activities that happen in this venue for survival stranded. According to a reliable source in Broadway, 97000 people have been left without their beloved jobs in the entertainment house. To further complicated matters, many of these individuals have little or nothing doing to cope with the economic hardship that has plagued everyone.
According to the source, “one of the most difficult things to deal with is the fact that the reopening of this entertainment house is not yet certain. This is the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind”.
The Fate of Broadway Is 100% or Nothing
For many entertainment-related events, the position of the pertinent authorities has been the gradual introduction of audiences into the venues.
However, one of the interviewed sources explained that this cannot be the case with Broadway. He explained that “with Broadway, it is either 100% or nothing. With Broadway, we are talking about very expensive theatrical productions that gulp lots of money. The truth is that it is more complicated than allowing just a few people to enjoy the show. It just has to be everyone or nothing”.